The Visions of Saint Frances of Rome

The Visions of Saint Frances of Rome

Translated by Fr Robert Nixon, OSB       Numerous Saints have received visions and revelations pertaining to the nature of heaven, purgatory and hell.  Among these...

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Translated by Fr Robert Nixon, OSB

      Numerous Saints have received visions and revelations pertaining to the nature of heaven, purgatory and hell.  Among these revelations, the visions of Saint Frances of Rome (1384-1440) must be given an honoured and distinguished place. The visions which St Frances revealed are detailed, complex and often intensely harrowing, in particular the torments of hell.

      Frances of Rome, the patron saint of Benedictine oblates, was a holy woman of illustrious, wealthy and noble lineage, who founded a convent of Benedictine oblate. This is the first time her remarkable visions have been translated into English in complete form.